Eclipse And Java:
Free Video Tutorials
Eclipse and Java for Total Beginners: Lesson Outline
Lesson 1 -- Create Your First Java Class (11:39)
- Create Java project in Eclipse
- Create Java package
- Introduce classes and objects, naming conventions
- Write a simple Java class (Person)
Lesson 2 -- Add Methods To Class (13:20)
- Introduce Eclipse Views and Perspectives
- Introduce Eclipse user interface -- drag / drop, context
menus, help
- Add get and set methods to Person class
Lesson 3 -- Use Eclipse Scrapbook (12:33)
- Introduce Eclipse Scrapbook
- Introduce Java expressions, statements
- Discuss Java packages
- Create Person object in Scrapbook
Lesson 4 -- JUnit Testing in Eclipse, Part 1 (12:26)
- Create test source folder
- Create PersonTest class
- Run first JUnit test
Lesson 5 -- JUnit Testing Continued (8:54)
- Test Person class -- part 2
- Create test methods for constructor, getName, and
- Static methods
Lesson 6 -- Using Test-First Development in Eclipse (11:43)
- Use test-first approach to write the Person toString() method
- Method overriding
- Field Hiding
Lesson 7 -- Create Book Class (10:25)
- Create BookTest before creating Book class
- Test Book constructor
- Create get and set methods
Lesson 8 -- Add Person to Book Class (13:13)
- Create a relationship between the Book class and the Person
- Test getPerson method
- Create JUnit Test Suite
Lesson 9 -- MyLibrary Class and ArrayList (12:30)
- How can we hold books, etc. in a collection?
- MyLibrary object to hold Person & Entry objects
- Introduce ArrayList in scrapbook
- Introduce Java Generics
- Method chaining
Lesson 10 -- Start on MyLibrary Class (12:23)
- Create MyLibraryTest JUnit test
- Create testMyLibrary to test MyLibrary constructor
- Create MyLibrary constructor
- Introduce instanceof operator
- Introduce assertTrue method
Lesson 11 -- Create first methods in MyLibrary class (12:56)
- Create test method for addBook, removeBook methods
- Create addBook, removeBook methods and test
- Create addPerson, removePerson methods
- Introduce Eclipse refactoring -- move local variable to field
Lesson 12 -- Create checkOut, checkIn Methods (13:44)
- Create test for checkOut, checkIn methods
- Write checkout method
- Introduce if / then / else syntax
- Introduce boolean method
- Write checkIn method
Lesson 13 -- Continue checkOut Method (11:26)
- Test checkOut, checkIn methods
- Fix compiler error -- misplaced {}
- Add test for maximum books
- Create test for getBooksForPerson() method
- Refactoring -- extract method
Lesson 14 -- Finish checkOut Method (12:44)
- Write getBooksForPerson method
- Introduce for each loop
- Introduce logical 'and' operator &&
- NullPointerException errors
- Complete checkOut Method
Lesson 15 -- Finish MyLibrary Methods (13:59)
- Create test for getAvailableBooks
- Create getAvailableBooks
- Create getUnavailableBooks
Lesson 16 -- Create main Method and JAR File (13:43)
- Introduce main method
- Write a main method
- Run MyLibrary as Java application
- Export to JAR file and run from Windows
Copyright (c) 2008 Mark Dexter. All rights